
Friday, August 19, 2011

Lincecum fails to do his job AND that of others YET AGAIN!! - HE SUCKS!!

Maybe a few more days like this.

Tim Lincecum beats Dodgers by himself!

“That was a good day hitting for me. So if you put it all together, yeah, it was a pretty good day,” Lincecum said. “But I’m not going to start bragging about my batting average and start giving out hitting lessons any time soon.”

And less days like this. Seems simple, but what do I know?

San Francisco Giants - Team Report - MLB - Yahoo! Sports:

Tim Lincecum has a 2.53 ERA. A 2.02 ERA on the road. He has 182 strikeouts in 171 innings.

But the man is 11-10.

He's no 11-10 pitcher, but the Giants' offense has helped make him an 11-10 pitcher.

In 10 of Lincecum's starts, the offense has given him zero runs -- as in none, zilch, zippo -- and the latest came Thursday in Atlanta, where he gave up a Chipper Jones home run and lost 1-0.
Predictably, Lincecum took the high road and didn't call out his teammates for not providing any help. In fact, he blamed himself for missing on his 94 mph fastball to Chipper Jones.

"I gave up that timely home run that cost me," he said. "If I didn't do that, I'm sure we'd be better off."

Lincecum was hard on himself, but the real culprit was the offense that did nothing against lefty Mike Minor, who has had four stints with the Braves this year.

It was nothing new for Lincecum. The Giants have failed to provide any runs of support in 10 of his 26 starts.

Just sounds like a lot of bitching and whining to me. Bottom line is, another loss.

This illustrates why W-L record is one of the worst measures of a pitcher's effectiveness.

For a couple of years, it seemed like Cain was the hard-luck guy on the staff as far as run support.

Now the worm has turned somewhat.
On this team, the shorter list might be which pitcher IS getting a reasonable amount of run support.

That's why I've never put much stock in that whiny, crybaby "lack of run support" BS.
 I'm tired of hearing it.
No excuses, just win games.

But I'll leave that to the SABR-cats and the number crunchers.
Bunch of friggin' pansies.
You can't win games putting stock in that candy-assed BS.

Can't complain about our situation though, really.
This is 'supposed' to be what made the team more playoff-tested and ready last year.

At times though, it does just seem like the hitting sucks.

Once again, more questions for the SABR-guys. Not my concern.

But hey, defending World Champions and all. Happy, happy - Joy, joy!!!

It would be nice if we could actually be IN the playoffs to defend the crown.
But...I'm not trying to put any pressure on the guys or anything.

It's a tough ballpark to hit in. So freaking HUGE. Cavernous, cavernous I think is the word they use to describe it. We have been on the road lately though. And we do play half of our games away from Yellowstone, er, whatever park we play in.

You would thing that would help as far as the occasional double or triple here and there.

It's not like it's September or anything. Just mid to late August.

I know, I know. Teams can make runs as far as late September and nobody is even mentioning Magic Numbers, much less calculating them.

So its not like I'm getting nervous or apprehensive or anything.
It's just that we're falling further behind the D-Backs AND the Braves.

And knowing how the Rockies don't mind getting crazy ass hot in September every now and then...or seemingly every year or so....and the Cardinals and Brewers are looking pretty good.

And heck, we just got blown out of Miami and disrespected as well.
By a last place team.
And so I was just thinking....

And you know...I'm watching the Little League World Series and jeez Louise, those little buggers can really hit.

I know, they still use those annoying aluminum bats and junk.

Little cheaters. And then they have the nerve to wear those "DON'T CHEAT" patches. Like they never cheated? Yeah, right.

But still, those guys can hit. And the girls, too. I just almost forgot what good hitting looked like, watching all those Giants games this year and all.

But anyway, maybe send Henlsey Meulens over there to get some tips on how to coach hitters, it sure wouldn't hurt. Might not hurt if one of them LL coaches came back in his place.

I mean, let's try stuff.

And I don't mean stuff like getting Carlos Beltran right at the time of the season that he decides to stop hitting AND that various and sundry body parts hurt at this time of year.

Because THAT has been pretty demoralizing.

I guess being with the Mutts for so many years, he forgot that this is money time -- the playoff push and all -- so maybe that's why he wasn't sure how to act when thrown into an actual playoff race.

I know, I know he was with the Astros and helped them out. But you just don't shake off years of Mutt Mediocrity overnight.

Maybe we should have thought about that before we got him instead of Hunter Pence.
Who is younger and less brittle.
And has kind of a cool name.
Except the announcers always sound like they're saying underpants when they announce his name.
Kinda cool, huh?
Cool cause he's good and can overcome it, otherwise embarrassing.
You guys should have seen that and factored it into your decision.

But he's doing real good for the Phillies and they are just our #1 competition and all.

I know, I know, 20-20 hindsight, but it goes with the territory, I guess.

You know, cause the glow of that World Series Championship....just still....has not......worn off.
Not one little bit.

But yeah, just try stuff.

And keep trying. That's all we can ask.

'Cause we're still behind you.

Not panicking or anything, just maybe getting a bit nervous that's all.

And you did win that World Series.

Seems like it was just last year. OMG, it WAS last year.

My how time flies, when you have to watch an offense that's so bad it's like watching paint dry.

It's torture, I tell ya. Yeah torture!! That's it!!

Like last year, when we won the World Series.

Doing this same ridiculous no-hit, over rely on the pitching and hope to hell it doesn't break down nonsense, just like last year. You'd think we might have learned our lesson, but WDIK?

Yeah!! Learned something from last year.
When we won the World Series.
At least I think we did.

Honey, where's my memorabilia?
I want to see something that says S.F. Giants World Series Champions on it, before I go insane.
You threw what out?


I mean dang it guys, it's not like our legacy as a team isn't based on hitting.

You remember Mays, McCovey, Cepeda?
They hang around the park and their pictures are all over the stadium.

I know, I know we had Marichal and Perry.
Hall of Famers both.
And fine pitchers.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But Marichal is known more for busting Roseboro's head and almost causing a riot and Perry is known more for cheating in such a likeable way that it was acceptable.

So where the heck has pitching gotten us as an organization?

Oh yeah, last year. They sure did pull the train last year.

What do you think the odds are that they do the same thing this year?

 I know, I know..... another question for the SABR-guys.

I'll leave it to you guys, cause you guys have the rings and stuff and I'm just sitting here not really doing much. Just thinking about stuff.

OK, bye.
I have to go.
My mom is calling, so I have to get out of the basement and get dressed.



Stuff will make you crazy too.


"Many believe the Federal Reserve banks are government institutions - they are not. They are private credit monopolies that prey upon the people for the benefit of themselves and their greedy handlers: the international moneychangers. These are the same global money powers that hire lobbyists to garnish votes to control our legislation - for their own special interests; and who maintain international propaganda machines for the purpose of deceiving us into granting new concessions that permit them to cover up their past misdeeds, and to set again in motion the gigantic wheels of wealth transference and bonded debt - the feudal yoke of bondage and servitude. - Douglas V. Gnazzo

Here's a jobs program that doesn't require more deficit spending or tax increases. Free up the money that has already been printed and is sitting on banksters balance sheets. The Fed is paying these criminals NOT to lend the money.

“Tuesday’s Fed meeting was sad. They failed to do what wise men urged, ie, cut the fat rate Fed pays banks that put reserves with Fed to zero. That would have caused banks to remove reserves & free them up for lending. Not doing this reveals banks control Fed & Fed is a banks cartel. That’s why Thomas Jefferson said he feared banks more than standing armies.” -- Harry Schultz, The Big Picture, 8/11/11 The Aden Forecast

So let me see if I have Uncle Ben's economic theory straight.

Grandma and Grandpa are forced further out the risk curve with their limited funds, because we WON'T pay prudent savers via continued ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy).

On the other hand.

Jaime Dimon et al are PAID to NOT take risks with their unlimited, taxpayer subsidized and guaranteed funds. It seems like the reason these guys are paid big time salaries is they have the acumen to discern risks.

But no, we'll throw seniors in retirement in the deeper end of the risk pool, at the same time putting swim fins on the so-called best and the brightest investors on the planet, the smartest guys in the room.

That makes perfect sense. And wonder why this economy is so screwed up.

Maybe this ad should show Bernanke tossing granny off the cliff. In the interest of historical accuracy and all.
Oh, we're not interested in that? I see.

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