
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Loyal dog guards serviceman's coffin | The Sun |News

Yup, just a dog....<"( );::::::;~

Loyal dog guards serviceman's coffin | The Sun |News

"THE dog of a slain US Navy SEAL remained loyal even in death — refusing to walk away from his owner's casket during the funeral service.

A heart-wrenching photo showed how Labrador Hawkeye remained by his master's side during the emotional ceremony for Petty Officer Jon Tumilson, 35.

Killed ... Jon Tumilson

The trooper, from San Diego, was one of 38 coalition troops killed in Afghanistan when a Chinook helicopter was shot down by Taliban insurgents on August 6.

During his funeral last Friday, in Iowa, Hawkeye walked up to the casket, heaved a sigh and lay down in front of it for the duration of the memorial.

Mr Tumlinson's cousin, Lisa Pembleton, photographed the dog resting by the casket at the service attended by 1500 people.

Miss Pembleton, who posted the heart-breaking photo on a military blog, said Hawkeye was Jon's "loyal 'son'".

She added: "I hadn't planned on taking any pictures other than with family.

"However, from my seat at the funeral, I felt compelled to take one photo to share with family members who couldn't make it or couldn't see what I could from the aisle.""

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