
Friday, October 28, 2011

The Fed is never out of bullets - but can they shoot straight?

They are lining up the stars in the sky and sending out the trial balloons so they can do what they want to do, continue the same "solutions" that have not worked in the past.

From Eric De Groot's blog:
Eric De Groot: "Bullard: Fed will act if economy weakens further

QE to ∞ (infinity) = QE(1)+QE(2)+QE(3)...QE(n) as the economy weakness and social unrest organizes across the globe.

Headline: Bullard: Fed will act if economy weakens further

(Reuters) - The Federal Reserve will act if the economy weakens further and has the tools to do so, a top Fed official said on Friday.

St. Louis Fed President James Bullard said he expects the economy to grow modestly over the next year -- though the sluggish pace leaves it vulnerable to shocks.

"Should economic performance deteriorate, monetary policy will respond," Bullard said, according to slides of a presentation he was scheduled to make . "The Fed is not now, or ever, 'out of ammunition'."

With interest rates near zero, Bullard said, the Fed can support the economy through inflation and inflation expectations and asset purchases are a "potent tool".

More ignoring the "Rule of Holes".
More repetition of the "Definition of Insanity".

And they wonder why folks are rioting in streets. It's if these knuckle-heads want rioting in the streets and hints of Revolution.

Oh BTW. OWS is simply the leftist version of the Tea Party.

And they have the wrong address, they should occupy K Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in DC.
And wherever the Fed Building is. Put the fear of God into those idiots.
And bathe once in a while, perhaps.

And stop acting as if they speak for the ENTIRE 99%. THEY DO NOT!!!

Somewhere in the talking points, they missed the part about the 99% is made up of the approximately 50% that actually pay for all the goodies (which includes the 1% they despise) these idiots pine for and the "other 49%" percent -- the Free-Shit Army or FSA for short -- that benefits from others efforts.

So immediately, the movement needs to be re-named for accuracy.

Lets' refer to them as "The 49% - or the 49-ers" for short.

They effectively don't pay FEDERAL TAXES, but they want to put their grubby hands all over everybody else's wallets and tell THEM how THEIR money ought to be spent.

You want to complain about sales taxes you pay, march on your local government.

You want to complain about payroll taxes that allegedly fund Social Security and Medicare / Medicaid, wait until the conversation turns to how they stole the money from these supposedly dedicated funds to create illusion of the Clinton budget surplus. I've been waiting for that national conversation for a long time.

But don't complain about how FEDERAL TAXES are spent, when you don't provide any of the elbow grease or work product or income taxes to pay for the largess. Somehow, I feel like your voices shouldn't be heard from as much.

We spend too much time "greasing" the "squeaky wheels" in this country when they don't provide any of the "elbow grease" needed to keep the machine running.

Almost makes me want to provide a linkage between paying taxes and voting. Don't laugh, this is the type of "vote-buying" on the lower end of the income scale that we ignore choosing instead to focus campaign finance reform on the high-income / corporate side of the scale.

VOTE BUYING IS VOTE BUYING. I get that the corporations and the rich simply but the politician outright and leave the dirty work of buying the voter to their chosen puppet, but both ends of the problem need to be ripped out of the process.

That should be at or near both of side "To-Do List for Revolutionaries".

So step aside OWS. Shut up and let the adults handle this. And stop pretending that you have anything in common with the Tea Party. YOU DON'T!! They are the 51% that pay the bills.

You are the 49% that "dine and dash".

from the Associated Press:
Richmond tea party: Charge Occupy protesters or refund $10,000 we spent to rally in Virginia

Get cleaned up and get a job. Accomplish something. Then speak.

Stop relying so much on the largess and generosity of others.

That well is going to run dry every now and again.

And if you need bail money because your peaceful "demonstrations" are so like those of the Tea Party demonstrations, I hope you have George Soros' number.

Maybe Janet Napolitano will add you to her "list". HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

To know what is wrong with the Federal Reserve, one must first understand the
nature of money. Money is like any other good in our economy that emerges from
the market to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. Its particular
usefulness is that it helps facilitate indirect exchange, making it easier for
us to buy and sell goods because there is a common way of measuring their value.
Money is not a government phenomenon, and it need not and should not be managed
by government. When central banks like the Fed manage money they are engaging in
price fixing, which leads not to prosperity but to disaster. -- Ron Paul

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