
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Eight is enough for Tebow - AFC West Blog - ESPN

"Just win, baby", right? Thanks Al!!

Eight is enough for Tebow - AFC West Blog - ESPN:

"The Broncos are 3-1 with Tebow as their starter this season. Since the start of last season, Denver is 4-3 with Tebow as its starter, 4-14 with Kyle Orton. All three of Tebow’s victories this season have come on the road. The truth is the Broncos just play better with Tebow as their quarterback. With the exception of the complete stinker at home against Detroit two weeks ago, Denver’s play has been very competitive with Tebow."

Good pitchers win when they don't have their best stuff. They find a way. That's the mark of a champion. That's what people don't get about this kid. He's a winner.

His W-L record stands in stark contrast to those who wanted to grade him based on his mechanics in the pre-season, some placing him fourth or fifth on the depth chart.

Everyone compared him unfavorably to Cam Newton, and while the fantasy geeks may prefer the stellar numbers Newton puts up, I'll take Tebow's W-L record every time. Heck, I would rather lose with Tebow than win with (S)cam anyway. Tebow is a winner if his team finishes 0-16. How many kids can you say that about? Meanwhile the NCAA will be vacating Auburn victories in about five years if the Reggie Bush experience is a reliable indicator.

Now the doubters are beginning to realize their darkest dreams are slowly turning into somewhat of a nightmare. The fear among the haters was that if given the chance, this kid would succeed. So they had to make the Broncos brass feel like fools if they even considered giving Tebow a realistic opportunity to start.

4-3 as a starter versus 4-14 for Orton. With the same personnel at their disposal. Those numbers speak volumes. Let's go to Todd McShay or Mel Kiper or Trent Dilfer for another critique of Tebow's mechanics, though. Maybe throw in Merrill Hoge for good measure.

I keep telling folks, this kid will be a winner if given the chance.

His character and work ethic and abilities will not allow that to happen. His leadership ability will create synergies on this team that will make those around him better.

That's what great players do.

They take 1 + 1 and make 3.

Average to good players take 1 + 1 and make 2.

Bad players turn 1 + 1 into 0. Or a negative number.

I watched Jay Cutler get equally frustrated by the Lions defense two weeks after Tebow suffered his worst start as a pro against them. The stats were only slightly in Cutler's favor. And nobody doubts that Cutler belongs in the league. His mechanics are so pretty. And the ball moves so well throught he air when he throws it. STOP!!! Enough already.

"You play to win the game!!"" Thanks Herm.

Now the narrative will change to "Well, Fox had to completely change his team's offensive approach to accommodate Tebow". Well "No duh!!!" That's what coaches do. Put the personnel that they have in the best position to win.

Bill Belichick could have maintained and protected his reputation as a defensive genius while the game changed around him. But he adapted and allowed Tom Brady and the offensive personnel the Patriots gathered to flourish. They started to outscore people instead of grind people out.
By doing that, in my mind, he elevated himself from defensive genius to coaching genius.

John Fox is demonstrating the same thing here with Tebow and the Broncos.

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