
Saturday, December 10, 2011

GM Is Watching You by Eric Peters (maybe listening in on you as well)

Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me

A blast from the past, or back to the future. It's 1984 all over again.

You know, it seems like when we were school kids reading these two books, they seemed like utter nonsense. Now it feels like we're living in a 1984 and Animal Farm type world described by George Orwell and we don't even realize how we got here. Provocative stuff.

What happened to privacy rights? We used that as an excuse to build up a whole new industry called abortion spear-headed by Planned Parenthood. And yet here, well maybe your privacy rights aren't really so important. Yes, it's all very clear to me now comrades.

GM Is Watching You… by Eric Peters:

"I have never liked GM’s OnStar system – in part because I don’t like the idea of my car that I paid for having someone else’s “black box” recording (and transmitting) data about how I drive, where I drive and even when I drive. I also don’t like that GM force-feeds OnStar to every buyer of every GM car – whether the buyer wants it or not.

I believe that GM’s long-term goal is to see to it that not only every GM vehicle is equipped with a “black box” (technically, an Event Data Recorder, or EDR) but that all vehicles are so equipped – and every single driver in the United States – possibly the world – monitored whenever he or she is operating a motor vehicle."

There is big money in it: Automated tickets, jacked-up insurance fees for “speeders” and seat belt scofflaws – as well as “marketing opportunities” for GM’s “partners,” whom GM will provide all sorts of juicy tidbits about your life to – including where and when you shop, so that they can “target” their advertising your way.

And there is the prospect of delicious (to power lusters) micromanaging control, too.

Drive faster than The Law says you ought to – and they’ll know about it, immediately, every single time you do it and exactly how much you do it. Fail to Buckle Up For Safety – even if it’s just to drive down the driveway – and they’ll know about it the moment you put the car in gear. It is entirely within the realm of technical possibility that they’ll even know exactly what you’ve been talking about while in your car, too – because OnStar is very much like a Telescreen from Orwell’s 1984. If you have an OnStar-equipped car, you have GM’s microphones in your car. And GM can turn them on anytime it likes – and record anything you say.

No, I am not exaggerating.

1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial

Oops, wrong 1984. Maybe not.

1984 by George Orwell / Nineteen Eighty-Four / Film Movie

Animal Farm-George Orwell-Full Length Animated Movie(1954)

I'll have to watch these again and take a trip down memory lane. Maybe I'll wake up and it will all be a bad dream.

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