
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Are you Mentally Tough Enough?

From the Sports Performance Bulletin:

Good article explaining what mental toughness is and how it can be developed and improved.

Four factors that allow athletes to have mental toughness include:

1) Self belief -- an unshakable belief in your ability to achieve something.
2) Motivation -- an internal desire to succeed and to respond to setbacks with increased determination.
3) Focus -- an ability to concentrate only on the task at hand and completely ignores any distractions from others or from your own internal voices.
4) Composure -- regaining psychological control after any unexpected events or distractions.

A seven-step program to develop mental toughness would include:

1) Have the right attitude -- have confidence and stay positive, through thick and thin.
2) Develop your mind for success -- use visualization or mental imagery techniques.
3) Develop Good Habits -- develop systematic routines.
4) Develop poise and composure -- let go of mistakes and trust your stuff.
5) Control negative self-talk -- give yourself positive suggestions.
6) Know that failure can lead to future success -- stay focused on the process, not the results.
7) Be a Clutch Player -- be willing to step it up and do your best when it matters most.

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