
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Baseball analyst blames rise in home runs on climate change

Give yourself a star if you guessed Tim McCarver.

I guess we can file this under "Stupid Stuff Tim McCarver Says". Good grief. At least he doesn't pretend to be an expert on the weather. I think Timmy needs a brain surgeon himself. I swear -- with some of the stuff this guy comes up with -- if they put his brain in a bird, it would fly backwards.

Maybe he's positioning himself for a spot on the Gore-McCarver 2016 Presidential campaign.

Too guys (over) filled with hot air. It's a match made in heaven.

Baseball analyst blames rise in home runs on climate change:

"Tim McCarver wrote "Baseball for Brain Surgeons and Other Fans," but he's not a real scientist, which is why it was a surprise to hear the national Fox announcer (and former catcher) opine that climate change is leading to more home runs. McCarver says "climactic changes" of the last 50 years are making the ball "carry farther than I remember," although he acknowledges it "hasn't been proven yet." It's certainly not better training, performance-enhancing drugs or McCarver's bad memory. It's the weather."

Sorry Timmy, you're not smarter than the average (polar) bear.

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