
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow make Time's most influential list - ESPN New York

OK, Here goes....Way to go TIME Magazine!!! Both are great choice for the reasons cited below.

New York Knicks' Jeremy Lin and New York Jets' Tim Tebow make Time's most influential list - ESPN New York:

"Lin wrote the portion of the magazine piece on why Tebow was selected.

"Watching Tim Tebow play football, you can observe many things about his character. You see his fierce competitiveness, his strong work ethic and how he is a leader that his teammates trust and respect," Lin wrote.

"But it is the qualities that Tim, 24, embodies in his life off the field that truly set him apart. He is unashamed of his convictions and faith, and he lives a life that consistently reflects his values, day in and day out. . . . As athletes, we pour our hearts into winning games. Tim is a reminder that life is about much more than that.""

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan wrote the section about Lin.
"Jeremy Lin's story is a great lesson for kids everywhere because it debunks and defangs so many of the prejudices and stereotypes that unfairly hold children back. He's dispelled the idea that Asian-American guards somehow couldn't hack it in the NBA -- and that being a world-class athlete on the court is somehow at odds with being an excellent student off the court.." Duncan wrote in Time.
"Jeremy cares only about one thing -- winning. And I don't care whether you are an Asian-American kid, white, black or Hispanic, Jeremy's story tells you that if you show grit, discipline and integrity, you too can get an opportunity to overcome the odds."

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