
Monday, April 02, 2012

Zito throws in the towel on Tom House's tinkering?

Would it be fair to say that Zito has "thrown in the towel" on the mechanical tinkering of Tom House? I suppose Mark Prior fans or Cubs fans can let out a collective groan. As for the G-men, Zito remains an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, shrouded in mystery.

Zito Ditches New Delivery, Nobody's Surprised:

Zito arrived this year with a new crouched over stance on the mound. I’ll let Andrew Baggarly take it from here:
Zito, who is still owed $46 million, attempted to mimic Tim Lincecum’s delivery during an offseason working with noted pitching guru Tom House. But observers both inside and outside the Giants organization tell me that Zito doesn’t have the arm speed or athleticism to pull off that delivery. Zito’s arm drags behind his body as he plants his front foot, leading to hittable pitches at the belt.

I'm not as up on the "pitching guru" wars as I used to be, but it seems like Zito was a protege of this guy -- Dick Mills.

The Towel Drill Ruins Mechanics and Increases Elbow Injuries

Kids, don't try this at home. Oh snap, too late.

Well, if the yoga didn't work.
And the long-toss regimen didn't work.
And now the towel drill snapper didn't work.
I don't know what's else is left.

How about the Marshall Plan?

It couldn't hurt.

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