
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chicago Values.....

Chicago values suck. At least those that Rahm-bo seems to embrace. A cesspool of corruption continues it's proud, storied history.

Monty Pelerin's World » Chicago Values:

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Allen West and Rick Santelli on CNBC:
Here is another demonstration of why West should be the next POTUS. Unfortunately, in the current system / environment, we are left with a party too dumb to even want to include him as VP on the ticket. Maybe he would overshadow the #1. from PJ Media: The PJ Tatler » Allen West Doesn’t Always School CAIR Apologists, But When He Does…:
"Allen West Doesn’t Always School CAIR Apologists, But When He Does…" The cuddly-named CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing case. It’s executive director, Nezar Hamze, tried to trap Rep. Allen West at a recent public meeting. That, as you’ll see in the video, was a mistake. Exit question: Is the Romney campaign sure that a “boring white guy” is really the way to go on the veep pick? h/t MRCTV
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