
Saturday, July 07, 2012

Tim Lincecum’s dad says San Francisco is ‘crucifying’ his son over poor start to 2012 season | Big League Stew - Yahoo! Sports

SERIOUSLY Daddy-O?!?!?!? With a 3-9 6.08 ERA?

It seems as if Timmy and crew took a calculated risk in not signing longer term than they did.

They didn't strike when the fire was hot -- hoping for a continuation of the Timmy magic -- at which point they could have played SF vs. Seattle (home-coming) in a mega-bidding war.

Now that strategy, in hindight, is not looking so great. Stop whining and help him out with some of those magical, dollar picking up drills.

The Giants, and / or the Mariners will come around -- check-books in hand -- and all will be well. Ask Matt Cain.

Or is that what this is REALLY all about? A little green-eyed monster in the Gigantes locker room? I don't remember which teams Cain played against the Giants, but I'm not in the inner circle, so IDK everything.

From Yahoo Sports:
Tim Lincecum’s dad says San Francisco is ‘crucifying’ his son over poor start to 2012 season | Big League Stew - Yahoo! Sports:

Here's what pops had to say in the pages of USA Today :

""Here's a two-time Cy Young winner, a four-time All-Star, a World Series champion, and send him to the minors?" Chris Lincecum said, his voice rising. "You do that, and what you're basically telling the player is, 'We don't need you or respect you.' And this is the kid who helped bring a championship to the city of San Francisco for the first time in over 50 years?

"It's like people forget what he's done. It's like, 'What the (expletive) do I have to do. What more do you want? I gave you two Cy Youngs. I was a major contributor to the World Series. And you crucify me now?' " [...]

"You keep saying (expletive) like this, and he'll want to go away. This is the face of the franchise … and now that he's struggling, as all players do at some point, this is the (bleep) respect he gets? You're crucifying him.

"It's like the media is hoping he fails so they'll have something to write about. If they're trying to get him to leave that city, they're (bleeping) on their way.""

'via Blog this'

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