
Thursday, July 26, 2012

You Didn’t Build That « azizonomics

Those Freudian slips are a real PITA for this President. Keep 'em coming Chief!!

You Didn’t Build That « azizonomics:


If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business–you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the internet so that all the companies could make money off the internet.

Much of the blogosphere — especially the liberal fringes — has defended Obama’s statement, along one of two lines:

That Obama didn’t mean that business-owners didn’t build their businesses — he was talking about infrastructure creation and the wider economic, legal and political system.
That Obama is right, and businesses owners are really not responsible for building their businesses.
Both of these arguments are nonsensical."

'via Blog this'

So it seems like the Re-distributor in Chief had another "Freudian slip", Joe the Plumber moment and the election may hinge on whether you believe in the so-called "Top-Down", "Trickle Down" economics (which worked pretty well for Reagan / Volcker -- who BTW, "inherited" a far worse economy from Jimmy Carter. 

At least under Reagan, we had some semblance of a recovery from the "Misery Index" years of Carter. Lately it seems as if everyone is all to willing to give credit for this Reagan recovery to President Clinton of all people, the guy who planted many of the seeds for the current disaster) or maybe we would rather have the current iteration of "Bottom-Up" economics espoused by Obama. 

This seems to be where we are heading IMO as well.

It really seems as if rather than debating whether Obama is as "great" a President as Reagan or Roosevelt, the debate more likely may eventually revolve around whether he ends up being considered "worse" than Carter or Nixon.


Misery index - era by U.S president

Index = Unemployment rate + Inflation rate
PresidentTime PeriodAverageLowHighStartEndChange
Harry Truman1948–19527.883.45 – Dec 195213.63 – Jan 194813.633.45-10.18
Dwight D. Eisenhower1953–19606.262.97 – Jul 195310.98 – Apr 19583.287.96+4.68
John F. Kennedy1961–19627.146.40 – Jul 19628.38 – Jul 19618.316.82-1.49
Lyndon B. Johnson1963–19686.775.70 – Nov 19658.19 – Jul 19687.028.12+1.10
Richard Nixon1969–197410.577.80 – Jan 196917.01 – Jul 19747.8017.01+9.21
Gerald Ford1974–197616.0012.66 – Dec 197619.90 – Jan 197516.3612.66-3.70
Jimmy Carter1977–198016.2612.60 – Apr 197821.98 – Jun 198012.7219.72+7.00
Ronald Reagan1981–198812.197.70 – Dec 198619.33 – Jan 198119.339.72-9.61
George H. W. Bush1989–199210.689.64 – Sep 198912.47 – Nov 199010.0710.30+0.23
Bill Clinton1993–20007.805.74 – Apr 199810.56 – Jan 199310.567.29-3.27
George W. Bush2001–20088.115.71 – Oct 200611.47 – Aug 20087.937.49-0.44
Barack Obama2009–Present
Incomplete data
Data updated through May 2012
10.757.30 – July 2009
index offset by negative inflation (-2.10)
12.97 – September 20117.739.9+2.17

[edit]Misery and crime

Some economists posit that the components of the Misery Index drive the crime rate to a degree. Using data from 1960 to 2005, they have found that the Misery Index and the crime rate correlate strongly and that the Misery Index seems to lead the crime rate by a year or so.[5] In fact, the correlation is so strong that the two can be said to be cointegrated, and stronger than correlation with either the unemployment rate or inflation rate alone

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