
Sunday, August 26, 2012

It bears repeating....Chicago Values SUCK....This just in!!! NY, not much better

Where are the race-baiters when the time comes to point the finger at their own? Or just take the time to take a long, hard look in the mirror? Great jobs you guys are doing there Herrs Emanuel and Bloomberg. GREAT EFFORT.

Let's do the math, shall we?
--- NY, CHI and Wash DC
--- all strict gun control areas
--- all cesspools of violence
--- all led for years by demonstrably failed political, sociological ideologues
--- and the solution is MORE gun control laws?
--- and not turning away from the demonstrably failed ideology?

Hmmmm........why can't I figure this out?

Don't tell me the problem is with the failure of the "value systems" of some of the folks that have consistently LED (and I use the term loosely) these areas -- where the preponderance of these cesspools are located -- down the wrong path politically (and have for decades)?

No, that can't be it. Could it?

from Godfather Politics:
Did Targeting the 1% by Occupy Wall Street Movement Lead to NY Shootings? - Godfather Politics:

 "Let’s not forget what’s going on in Chicago, the city led by Mayor Rahm Emanuel who served as the White House Chief of Staff to President Obama. It’s now the murder capital of the world. But since the victims and perpetrators don’t fit the liberal, anti-conservative narrative, the liberal media can’t and won’t make an issue of the city’s violence."

'via Blog this'

It should be great theatre to see how Bloomberg spins the recent Empire State Building shooting after this "army that couldn't shoot straight" (NYPD) nearly turned the apprehension of a lone gunman into a mass-killing field. Maybe now he can advocate for less guns in the hands of the NYPD.

from Foxnews.com

 NYPD: 9 shooting bystander victims hit by police gunfire
All nine bystanders caught in the crossfire of a shooting outside New York City's iconic Empire State Building were wounded by two police officers who had never fired their weapons on duty, authorities confirmed Saturday.
Officer Craig Matthews fired seven times and Officer Robert Sinishtaj fired nine times at Jeffrey Johnson on a busy Friday morning in the highly touristed area after Johnson shot a former co-worker to death and then pointed his pistol at them

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