
Sunday, August 05, 2012

WWJD? IDK it seems so hard to figure out, right?

It seems pretty clear what he "would" do, based on what he "did" do. The whole chasing the money changers out of the temple thing. Multiple times, it seems, because like cockroaches they kept coming back.

It actually seems silly to ponder WWJD as a question anymore when we live in a world that ever increasingly seems more inclined to answer the question more along the lines of  "What would Judas do?"

Seems as if Herr Emanuel has an interesting perspective we may all want to model. You've come full circle Rahm-bo. Spinning like a freaking top. Good job, good effort!!! You should be so proud of your choices. There's no hate in that crowd of yours, right?

Here's the kind of results you get from implementing these highly vaunted "Chicago values".


Among what are considered Alpha world cities, Chicago has the highest murder rate -- higher even than the Third World metropolises of Mexico City and Sao Paolo.

Here’s how we rank in murders per 100,000 among cities we consider our peers, based on a projected murder total of 505 for this year.

Singapore 0.4
Tokyo 0.5
Hong Kong 0.6
Berlin 1.0
Sydney 1.0
London 1.4
Toronto 1.7
Amsterdam 1.8
Paris 4.4
New York 6.0
Los Angeles 7.5
Mexico City 8.0
Moscow 9.6
Sao Paulo 15.6
Chicago 19.4

We could be doing worse: Caracas, Venezuela has a murder rate of 130 per 100,000. But its undeniable that the Windy City is under seige.

WOW!!! We're comforted by the fact that we aren't Caracas, Venezuela. Yet!!! Because Emanuel and Company read from the same play-book as Hugo Chavez. Chavez must just be better at executing the plays.

Yes, WWJD indeed. It's pretty clear in many ways WWJD, we just have a consistent listening and comprehension problem to deal with. Too much "political correctness" shit in our ears and our heads.

It's not too difficult to understand folks.

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