
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

50 years of prayer stopped after school receives letter |

This is the central theme of the movie "Last Ounce of Courage" being played out in real life. Life imitating art.

Maybe it is time to take a stand.

Maybe the local principal in this instance would get more support if he wasn't so intolerant of peoples beliefs.

People in his own community!!!

From a professional standpoint, your misunderstanding of the concept of "separation of church and state" IS the reason you likely do not get more local support.  

Go back to school, Chief!!

You clearly have a lack of understanding about something.

50 years of prayer stopped after school receives letter |

"The principal of Haralson County High School, Topher Byrnes, had similar sentiments as Frank.
"From a personal standpoint, I understand the importance of prayer," Byrnes said. "From a professional standpoint, I understand the importance of keeping church and state separate."
Byrnes said it was a sellout crowd, nearly 3,000 people in attendance. He only hopes that kind showing won't end.
"I thank them for their support. I hope and wish the support would continue throughout the year," Byrnes said. "We've got a lot of struggles we need to address academically, and if we could get this kind of support for academic programs we could really start going places."

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