
Saturday, September 01, 2012

Giant Sucking Sound Redux?

Ross Perot had a lot of things right (globalization, outsourcing, offshoring, the whole "Giant Sucking Sound" thing) that we basically ignored and chose a different path. We are living with the consequences now.

 I wonder how long before we look back and shake our heads and wonder, "Where did it all go wrong" or "How did it get this way".

Well, wonder no more.

from ESPN Dallas:
Allen (Texas) High School ready unveils $60M football facility - ESPN Dallas:

Ross Perot, the billionaire businessman and former presidential candidate, repeatedly took aim at his home state's football culture as he pushed the state to shed extracurricular activities and increase accountability measures.
"Do we want our kids to win on Friday night on the football field or do we want them to win all through their lives?" Perot said in a 1988 Washington Post column. "That's what we have to start asking ourselves."

'via Blog this'

BTW:  This sucks too!!!!

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