
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New York youth baseball coach accused of stalking rival | Fox News

It seems like I see more and more coaches that are toeing this type of line on a weekly basis during the travel ball season. Something about the pretty uniforms and the exorbitant fees must make them a special form of crazy at times.

Last week, I did a PONY game in Schaumburg where the coaches were telling me how during the summer play-offs some alcohol-fueled parents were threatening each other with phrases laced with "I'm packing heat" and "capping" some body part or another or how there "car trunk had lots of room". Presumably, for ones rivals body rather than the team equipment, I guess.

Such is life and the sad direction youth sports seems to be taking. It's sadder still, because if you as an umpire  line these sorry excuses for coaches and their teams up by forfeiting a game or two until they learn proper behavior, then you become the bad guy. The show must go on and all that. Some of these folks clearly have no business on the field.

It's all good until some knuckle-head like this gets their league some local or national attention.

From Fox News:
New York youth baseball coach accused of stalking rival | Fox News:

"A youth baseball coach from Long Island appeared in court Saturday, accused of stalking his rival's family and sending threatening text messages, police said.

Police said 45-year-old Robert Sanfilippo, who manages a team of 10- and 11-year-old boys, was arrested on charges of stalking and aggravated harassment during a game in Yaphank on Friday and appeared in court Saturday for arraignment. He was released without bail, police said. It was not clear if the Huntington man had an attorney."

'via Blog this'

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