
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

SPORTS CHART OF THE DAY: White Sox Announcers Are Most Biased - Business Insider

Not surprised by this one. "The Hawk" is one of the biggest whiners on-air. MERCY!!!!

SPORTS CHART OF THE DAY: White Sox Announcers Are Most Biased - Business Insider:

"The Wall Street Journal conducted a study in which they measured the level of perceived bias expressed by the television announcers for each of the 30 Major League Baseball clubs. And to the surprise of nobody that has ever listened to Ken "Hawk" Harrelson, the White Sox came out on top. And it wasn't even close.

Members of the WSJ listened to the broadcast of a single game for all 30 teams and counted the number of times the announcers referred to the team using the pronouns "we," "us," or "our," as well as the number of times they referred to a player by his nickname or were "blatantly rooting for the home team."

The White Sox announcers exhibited some level of bias 104 times during the 9-inning game. That is 352% more than the next most biased crew, the Indians (23). Only five sets of announcers did not show any biased statements at all, including the Yankees, Mets, Red Sox, Dodgers, and Blue Jays. Here are the 25 clubs that did..."

'via Blog this'

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