
Friday, September 14, 2012

THE FED - QEIII - AND OTHER MORONS (see where this is going?)

TRANSLATION: We're going to keep banging our head against the wall until we get rid of this darn headache!!

Heck, the other two versions of QE -- with an Operation Twist chaser -- worked so wonderfully. Why not have another?!?!

The "beatings" refer to the the ass-kicking the middle-class and savers in this country are taking versus the rest of the country -- and I mean "all" the rest -- the upper class elites and the lower class, FSA (Free-Shit Army) parasites.

The middle class is truly getting squeezed like a giant zit in all of this nonsense.

The underlying economic theory for this administration (Obama) and Federal Reserve (Bernanke) seems to be:

"Viva, too many people on the cart, not enough people pulling the cart"



Household income fell more in recovery than during recession

Annual median household income is struggling to recover after the most recent recession. Although it has gone up from its low in August 2011, it is still 7.2 percent below the December 2007 level.

Whatever happened to the term, "Exit Strategy"? 

You know, as in....

"These are extraordinary measures, designed for a crisis brought on by Fed policies of the past." 

"We don't want to do this, we have to do this"  YADA YADA YADA!!!! 

Same old shit, different IDIOT cry-baby

Sorry, Barack.  I'm not talking about you this time. Go Back to Vegas or the golf course or whatever the hell else you do. I'm talking about someone who is REALLY screwing up the economy. 

You go back to screwing up America's place in this world with your foreign policy. Make sure people like us, I mean, REALLY,  REALLY like us.

AW SNAP!!! I see you're on that one little buddy. Keep up the good work. 

Four more years, right Comrade? 

Yes, Yes Forward!! Comrade. 

In case you're wondering Ms. Napolitano. The address you can forward my personally inscribed drone is 1-800 Go F-yourself. 

Ron Paul had it right, we just WILL NOT listen.

From Front Porch Politics:

“No one is surprised by the Fed’s action today to inject even more money into the economy through additional asset purchases. The Fed’s only solution for every problem is to print more money and provide more liquidity,” Paul said.
“Mr. Bernanke and Fed governors appear not to understand that our current economic malaise resulted directly because of the excessive credit the Fed already pumped into the system.”
The Federal Reserve said today it is launching its third attempt to revive the U.S. economy, once again by printing more money.

All I can add is, I hear you kid. I hear you!!!

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