
Friday, October 05, 2012

Balk Rule part 3, MLB proposes change...

Not sure why this is even under consideration. I guess Joe Morgan finally got into Bud Selig's earhole and convinced him that this is a balk, even though it doesn't fool anybody. And it shouldn't fool anybody as smart as HOF Joe Morgan

Joe Morgan is smart, just ask him.

My Uncomfortable Encounter With An Angry Joe Morgan

Somewhere in his career, he must have been picked off by this move and had to endure the "walk of shame" back to the dugout, vowing to someday have this rule removed from the rulebook. 

Congratulations Joe, your whining is being rewarded. Lefties around the world rejoice.  

from Coach JT / MaxBP:
MLB is set to outlaw the old fake-to-third and throw-to-first pickoff move next year, you know the move that never works. The proposed rule change will require the pitcher to step off the rubber before faking to third.  The step back will of course trigger the runner on first to get back thus neutralizing the deception and sparing any poor runner from an embarrassing moment - boo hoo!   The only problem I have with this is that the move does indeed work, just not that much. The runner should still have to pay attention and make sure the pitcher pitches right? Hasn't this been part of baseball, for like, forever?   Also, as it is now, a pitcher cannot step to third and in the same move spin back and throw to has to be two separate moves, a step and fake to third and then a turn and throw to first...if a dumb runner breaks for second, this 2-move requirement still gives the poor sap time to get back. 

If you ask us, this proposal only attempts to sanitize the game and widens the advantage a lefty has out there versus a rightie - it's not enough they get to balk every other pick-off? If they want to eliminate deception, why not outlaw bunting because this is clearly an attempt for the hitter to deceive the pitcher and we just won't stand for that either!   That's our story and we're stickin' with it!

MLB to eliminate third-to-first trick move

The good ol’ fake to third, throw to first trick move might be done in baseball. Well, at least in the bigs. This much discussed, often maligned, move is poised to be written out of baseball. And it might happen as soon as next season.
The Playing Rules Committee has approved a proposal that would make this move a balk. MLB executives and umpires have also agreed to this proposal. Under the new rule, a pitcher could only fake a throw to third if he has stepped off the rubber. This rule change, if it definitely goes into effect, is a good thing. The nature of the balk rule is written to keep pitchers from deceiving or tricking any base runners. Well, the fake to third, throw to first move is a direct attempt to trick base runners.

When asked about the possible rule change, Yankees reliever Boone Logan said
I think they should get rid of it. Us lefties can’t do that. Besides, how often does it work? Maybe once in never.
And think about when you see this happen while you’re at a game. Half the fans shout “BALK” while the other half groan. Currently, this move is directly stated as being legal in the official MLB rule book:

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