
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Baseball Hitting and Strength and Conditioning for Baseball | Dr. Michael Yessis

Good stuff on baseball mechanics and strength and conditioning relevant to baseball from one of the Leading authorities in the field.

Baseball Hitting:

"Baseball Hitting
Dr Michael Yessis
When I show this picture to baseball players and ask what is wrong or should be corrected they invariably focus on positioning of the bat and cocking of the wrists. However, positioning of the bat is relatively unimportant in the initial stages. How the bat is brought through to contact the ball is the key element to be considered.

What the picture shows is that he is keeping his weight back on the rear leg and stepping out with the lead leg. This is a common fault of many hitters and to a good extent, many pitchers and other athletes. When striding it is important to drive the hips forward and then step out in order to maintain balance. In other words, stepping with the leg should occur after the hips already in motion. The leg should not be in action before the hips as seen in this picture."

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PODCAST: Specialized Strength Training in Baseball:

"PODCAST: Specialized Strength Training in Baseball
Doctor Michael Yessis
 Doctor Yessis and Yosef Johson tackle go on to tackle the role of specialized Strength Training in Baseball. Doctor Yessis brings great insight and clears up much of the mystery and falsehoods in Baseball Training.

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PODCAST: Specialized Strength Training in Baseball Part 2:

"PODCAST: Specialized Strength Training in Baseball Part 2
Dr. Michael Yessis
 Doctor Yessis and Yosef Johnson are back continue their discussion of the need for and the role of Specialized Exercise in Baseball. However, Yessis takes a deeper look at the issue and discusses the role of pitching and hitting coaches."

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