
Thursday, October 11, 2012

USADA report reveals Lance Armstrong as the greatest fraud in American sports - Yahoo! Sports

A bigger fraud than Barry now? A stunning fall from grace. A lot of stuff in this report including details that Armstrong et al were tipped off to testing times and places. Makes it easier to pass all the tests or at least avoid failing one. It seems like these guys are desperately clinging to the "if everyone was doing it, it's a level playing field, therefore I never cheated" defense.  At least that is what they tell themselves to justify.

from Yahoo Sports:
USADA report reveals Lance Armstrong as the greatest fraud in American sports - Yahoo! Sports:

Armstrong, through his attorney Timothy Herman, continues to maintain his innocence, claiming in a letter sent to USADA that the agency is biased against him and that some of the witnesses are "serial perjurers."
For that to be true, however, the conspiracy would have to be as sophisticated and calculated as the "alleged" doping program itself.

The USADA Report:
[Related: USADA's entire 202-page report]


There's the story about Armstrong testing positive for EPO during the 2001 Tour du Suisse only to have the test covered up after he made a $100,000 donation to UCI; the one about Armstrong telling Christian Vande Velde he had to "use what Dr. Ferrari had been telling him to use" in order to keep his spot on the Postal team; and there's the one when the team bus "broke down" between stages of the 2004 Tour de France while riders, including Armstrong, sat on the bus receiving blood transfusions.
"[The report] is a sledgehammer," says Daniel Coyle. "It's so massive."
In 2004, Coyle moved to Spain to write a book about Armstrong's attempt at a sixth Tour de France victory. In August, he released The Secret Race, a book that reads like a spy novel as he and Hamilton detail the race behind the race that is cycling's doping subculture.

'via Blog this'

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