
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Phil Simms Says Eli Manning Is Not One of the NFL's 'Elite' Quarterbacks

Are they putting stupid sauce in the water up there in NY? What is wrong with these people?


You are now most Giants fans SECOND favorite QB and probably always will be.

Heck, some of us old timers put you third behind Y.A. Tittle, maybe fourth behind Tarkenton. Tearing down Eli is not going to move you up the charts Buckaroo.

He has two rings, you have two rings. But he was on the field for both of his and you were not. Not your fault, just a fact. Plus Eli put us through a few less years of tortured QB-ing before he blossomed, so he wins any tie-breaker here as well.

Plus, HE MAY WIN MORE!!! BONUS!!! Ding, ding, ding WE HAVE A WINNER!!

And WHAT THE BLEEP is with the Jets ripping into Tebow? Dude hasn't even played!!!

Have you over-rated divas who ARE playing taken a look at your record (3 - 6) lately?
Or your place in the standings? Time to check YOURSELVES fellas.

That storm must have knocked some of these guys for a loop. Get a grip.

Phil Simms Says Eli Manning Is Not One of the NFL's 'Elite' Quarterbacks:

The Giants legend reopened that debate on Monday night when he questioned Manning’s elite status during an appearance on CBS Sports Network’s “NFL Monday QB” show. And he didn’t just blame Manning’s current slump or his poor performance in the Giants’ 31-13 loss in Cincinnati on Sunday either.
“No, he is not one of the elites,” Simms said. “Because when I hear the word elite, I’m thinking about guys that can make unbelievable plays on the field by themselves. There are very few quarterbacks in that category.
“So yes, Eli has been a tremendous team player. He has been MVP of the Super Bowl twice. I know that. But the way I look at it, the answer is no.”

'via Blog this'

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