
Sunday, January 13, 2013

For want of pickle brine Nolan Ryan's career may have been lost

...or at the very least, not as prolific as it might otherwise have been?  Two great offerings from and a classic proverb all rolled into one blog post.

Nolan Ryan's Secrect Ingredient
Nolan Ryan’s secret ingredient |

Originally Gus Mauch, the Mets trainer treated the pitcher’s blisters with a solution of alum and alcohol, but it was unsuccessful.  Before using Gus’ concoction, the pitcher used a medication call Tar Dermamet; it caused his blisters to disappear.  Unfortunately, for some reason it also disappeared from the market.

Ryan’s blisters seemed to develop because he released his fastball with such velocity.  He tried everything, concentrating on toughening his skin by coating it with kerosene, alcohol or nail polish.  None proved to be helpful.

Then Mauch recalled how boxers toughen their skin.  They used pickle brine.  The trainer also heard that the Yankees also used the brine for two of their pitchers, Hank Borowys and Tom Morgan.  After consulting with the Yankee’s trainer, Gene Monahan, he visited Daitch’s Shop well Market in the Bronx to purchase a jar of the of the liquid with ten cents.  Ryan soaked his fingers in it every chance he got.  He even dipped them in the jar while on the bench between innings. 

Some joked that Nolan Ryan would be named “Man of the Year” by the pickle packers of America!
“I can smell the brine when I’m pitching.”  – Nolan Ryan
'via Blog this'

The Day the World Met the Ryan Express

For Want of a Nail

"For Want of a Nail" is a proverbial rhyme showing that small actions can result in large consequences.
For Want of a Nail

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.For want of a shoe the horse was lost.For want of a horse the rider was lost.For want of a rider the message was lost.For want of a message the battle was lost.For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

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