
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Saying Good-Bye to the fake to third pickoff - WHY?!?

from McCovey Chronicles:

What Santiago did there would be illegal in 2013. No, no, not changing his name and lying about his age. That was already illegal. The fake-to-third, throw-to-first move is what's going to be illegal in 2013. It will be a balk next year, and few pitchers are rather annoyed:

My only question is why? Why?!? Because Joe Morgan thinks it's a balk? Why not get rid of the fake / slash bunt as well? Let's just puts pretty little bow-ties and skirts on the fellas uniforms and go back to a more civil, genteel game that is totally devoid of deception? Let's outlaw the curve-ball next. That's deceptive to the batter isn't it? Something to think about, right?

Or just get rid of those crafty pitchers entirely and put the ball on a tee for the batters. That would be lovely.

What a dumb move by MLB. Who are we protecting here? The nearly extinct, clueless base-runner? I mean seriously folks, how is this move fooling ANYBODY? 

I would be more in favor of banning from MLB (for the entire year, if not life) anybody FOOLED by this move. In fact, Joe Morgan should be removed from the HOF for being foolish enough to think this move is a problem for base-runners and continue to perpetuate the charade that he was a great base-runner during his career. Talk about FRAUD.

If you notice in the video above, it looks like Casilla balks the runner with the back foot by "quick lifting" it and then proceeding with the dreaded "3B-1B fake". Go back and take another look and watch his back foot carefully (as the umpire should have been).

The initial "pump fake" with the back foot should have been a balk, IMO. Maybe we should just get rid of lazy MLB umpires and call it a day.

This move has simply been removing clueless base-runners from the base paths and speeding up games for decades.

Besides, what is HOF Joe Morgan going to whine about now?  Maybe just add a section under BASE RUNNING: titled "Don't get fooled by the third to first move, You Big Dummy!!"

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