
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Follow the Facts, the facts are your friend. Don't be afraid!!

How many more of these knuckle-heads have to be classified as leftist loons or government manufactured defects before we get some REAL accountability out of DC on the gun-control (grab?) issue? 

The LAPD cop (former Navy with high security clearance).
The Fort Hood shooter (military)
The Colorado theater joker was working on DARPA (Government project to create better killing machines out of soldiers)

Shouldn't it be clear to even Herrs Bloomberg, Feinstein,et. al.  that ordinary citizens need protection FROM the state criminals and mental defectives as well as normal, every-day, garden variety criminals and mental defectives? 

Seems like many of these lunatics are coming back stamped "Made by the U.S.A." And the media is always waiting to pounce on the first one that shows any prior history of conservative America written on them, all the while ignoring the crazies that bear the stamp of the leftist, lunatic fringe. 

PSYCHOSIS: a mental disorder characterized by symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations, that indicate impaired contact with reality.

It appears as if we are seeing what the after-effects of a decade worth of wars can do the the collective psyche and mental-health of a nation. We saw some of the same in the aftermath of the Vietnam war. 

FYI: Coming attractions: Iraq and Afghanistan wars are ending. PSTD tidal wave beginning

While the details of Routh's mental health are unclear, up to 20 percent of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, according to a 2008 RAND study.

Ft Hood: Registered Democrat/Muslim.

Columbine: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.

Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff; Registered Democrat.

Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.

Connecticut School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

Also, of the worst killings in the last several decades, only one was a female, all the rest were boys, barely men, and none of them had a strong male father or role model in the household. Their role models were rappers, action movies, comics and violent video games.

Our problem isn't weapons, it's boys without boundaries. Who live in 'progressive' households.

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