
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

The Super Bowl highlights (lowlights?) in five .gifs

FIGHT, FIGHT!! Man, #29 on the Ravens gets a good chest-thump into that ref and still gets to play?!? Your modern day NFL. And we wonder why there's such horrible sportsmanship and behavior? As we'll see later on in the game and in the post-game interviews. We're just warming up here.

Oops, power failure. Don't blame Beyonce haters!! She clearly was adding energy to the building. 

This was deemed a better option by NFL honchos to shift momentum from the Ravens to the Niners than sneaking Adrian Peterson into a Niners uniform at halftime. Clearly they had enough time to fly him in and do a wardrobe change, given the time allotted to the half-time show. 

Something has got to change here. If the lights don't change momentum, the length of the half-time differential from the regular season does have an effect on the game. Same for both team yes, but it seems silly to play the game the same way 16 times to get here and then change the game materially to determine the World Champion. It would be like if MLB played nine inning games all season and then said "What the heck, for the World Series, seven innings is good". At some point, commercials and commercialism shouldn't decide your sports champion, unless your just a total sell-out. Oh, yeah!! I forgot. Silly me.

Aw, snap!! That's a hold and a near take down. At almost any other point in the game, that draws a flag, but not here. An obscure section of the rulebook mandates that this penalty is NOT to be called when it could potentially affect the outcome of the game. In basketball, this is known as "swallowing the whistle".

Good no-call is how I believe the head NFL zebra described it.

What you don't see in this .gif is the ref responding back to Harbaugh (Jim) with the universally recognized signal for  "swallowing the whistle".

And here as well, at least two clear instances of holding, might have saved SF some time on the subsequent kick-off. But heck, there's the Super Bowl after-party to think about and a referee has to leave plenty of time to get his drink on.

So there you have it!!

Congratulations Ravens, I was rooting for you, or against the Niners, hard to tell which  emotion was more prevalent.

No, I take that back, the Niners are a renegade program, always have been. The Bill Walsh genius disguise couldn't cover up ALL the DeBartolo cheating. I'm very happy to see them embarrassed. I guess I still remember the Ravens beating the Giants with Trent Dilfer as QB. Talk about embarrassing.

Plus, SF still has the Giants, so they'll bounce back. What else does Baltimore have? Positive replies only.

I was also less annoyed by the sideline behavior of Harbaugh (John-Ravens) than Harbaugh (Jim-49ers). Harbaugh (Jim-49ers) is just a total tool and has been since his college coaching days.

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