
Friday, March 29, 2013

Buster Posey and San Francisco Giants Agree on 8-Year, $167 Million Extension | Bleacher Report

I am with Jon Heyman of CBS Sports' line of thinking 100%.

from Bleacher
Buster Posey and San Francisco Giants Agree on 8-Year, $167 Million Extension | Bleacher Report:

To steal a line from Heyman (and Giants enthusiasts everywhere, I'm sure), the Giants have won two titles in the 55-year marriage of the franchise and San Francisco.

They are 2-for-2 with Posey.

They are 0-for-53 without him.

'via Blog this'

In fact, as soon  as I read the headline I grabbed my AlGore Global Warming calculator  that I got for attending his All Green, All Wrong, All the Time rally and it came up with the same answer:

Nine more years of Buster Posey = Nine more World Championships for the Giants. 

That's it!! GAME OVER!!

The science is settled, the debate is over and if you disagree, it's because you want to see the polar bears die!! And really now, who wants to see the polar bears die?

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