
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Celebrate Earth's your choice

"Guess which Korea is free and which is a Stalinist dictatorship...Choose freedom."

Or we could let people with the intelligence and reasoning ability of Dennis Rodman run our economic policy and foreign policy. Oops, too late for that one.......this is what happens when you elect idiots into office.

Come Again? Obama Compares Israeli-Palestinian Conflict to US-Canada Relations

President Obama is a master of diplomatic relations; that is, if false equivalence, bowing to foreign despots, alienating traditional allies and waging wars without Constitutional authorization strike one as statesman-like.

March 23rd 8:30 pm. I'll have every electrical appliance I own running. The choice (and the consequences) could not be any clearer.


There is no question that quasi-political movements like Earth Day are funded by various elite groups that use them to consolidate consensus for global government. The emphasis is always on attacking competitive enterprise in order to offer government as the solution and "protector."
But competition and the application of the market's Invisible Hand is certainly preferable in the long run – as political solutions inevitably tend to grow more onerous.
 And so I am happy to read about Human Achievement Hour. Human creativity and kindness are too often left uncelebrated in the official conversation because that conversation is aimed at creating a consensus for political activism. No problem, no politics of necessity.

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