
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Reasons for ROKU - Benefits of cutting the cord

Cutting the cord

Apparently we aren't the only ones who have decided to "cut the cord" with cable TV. We were definitely looking for a way to avoid the "cultural rot" of Comcast cable programming and become our home's very own TV producer / programmer. It's a very liberating experience.

Be content with your content

Pick the video-streaming service that best fits your lifestyle. If you subscribe to too many, you might find you are spending as much as you did when you had cable.
We do the same thing in a sense that has been done over the years with newspapers. Via receipt of various blogs and newsletters, I get my morning news delivered to my e-mail every morning. From writers that I trust and select. I become my own newspaper editor.  
Same thing with cable. I used to justify keeping cable with the "I can't do without ESPN". It turns out with the Internet, I can.
Through the magic of ROKU + Video Buzz + Plex + You Tube + Nowhere Man TV,  you can select the clips or programs you want to see every morning (or whenever it's convenient) and download them to your TV. 
You effectively become your own TV producer /programmer.
I get ALL MLB broadcasts -- not just the ones ESPN wants me to see -- for about $200 per year paid monthly or $130 annually paid lump-sum. For an additional $5/month or $25 per annum, all (minor league) broadcasts are available. I imagine some or all of those are radio, but some will be TV broadcasts. It's worth the extra $5 for that kind of option. 
My only regret is that I didn't get a Roku sooner.
I agree!!!

I may add the NHL next season, if they stay on the ice for a full season. They may be higher priced than MLB. Why, I don't know? 
Through Hulu, I get the TV shows I like -- or used to like that the PTB decided to cancel -- like Arrested Development or classics like Adam-12. Movies are there if you like and documentaries
So for between $400-$500, I get all the sports I need and more. I need the traditional (old-school) antenna to get local NFL programming, so I do lose out on ESPN football broadcasts (some college football and basketball) and the NFL Network broadcasts, but WTH?

Here is a breakdown of the costs - depending on whether you pay monthly or lump-sum.

Provider Annual Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun  $129.99  $     -    $     -    $24.99  $24.99  $24.99  $24.99  $  25.00  $     -    $     -    $  5.00  $  5.00  $  5.00  $  5.00
Hulu  $  95.88  $  7.99  $  7.99  $  7.99  $  7.99  $  7.99  $  7.99
Total  $250.87  $  7.99  $  7.99  $37.98  $37.98  $37.98  $37.98
NHL   $175.00  $24.99  $24.99  $24.99  $24.99  $     -    $     -  
Total  $425.87  $32.98  $32.98  $62.97  $62.97  $37.98  $37.98

Provider Annual Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Svgs  $129.99  $24.99  $24.99  $24.99  $24.99  $     -    $     -    $199.92  $ 69.93  $  25.00  $  5.00  $  5.00  $  5.00  $  5.00  $     -    $     -    $  40.00  $ 15.00
Hulu  $  95.88  $  7.99  $  7.99  $  7.99  $  7.99  $  7.99  $  7.99  $  95.88  $      -  
Total  $250.87  $37.98  $37.98  $37.98  $37.98  $  7.99  $  7.99  $335.80  $ 84.93
NHL   $175.00  $     -    $     -    $     -    $24.99  $24.99  $24.99  $174.93  $  (0.07)
Total  $425.87  $37.98  $37.98  $37.98  $62.97  $32.98  $32.98  $510.73  $ 84.86

I really, really like the Plexx - Video Buzz functionality. When used along with You Tube subscriptions, you can get some good programming geared to your own unique interests. If somebody has an active You Tube channel, you subscribe to it and each morning you can scan for new content posted by any one of your subscriptions and que up what the highlights that you're interested in. I get my ESPN fix here. The feature is smart and sometimes "suggests" other videos you might be interested in based on your subsciptions and views. Let them do the work!!!  
There's a channel I discovered called Play on Sports that covers High School sports across the country for schools that participate. Baseball, Basketball, Football, Volleyball, you name it. A youth sports guru's dream come true.  
Here's some of the providers and a sample of the offerings provided:

Nowhere Man - Bloomberg, CNBC, CNN, Russia Today, MSNBC, Fast Money, Fox News, ESPN (Audio), Conan, McGlaughlin Group (Daily)

Hulu - Cops, Arrested Development, Adam-12, Dragnet, Star Trek, Bob Newhart, Office

Video Buzz - You Tube Channels and subscriptions (ESPN highlights, NHL highlights, NFL, MLB)
Plexx - You Tube highlights + other channels (Charlie Rose broadcasts)
Play On Sports - High School sports broadcasts for all sports nationwide from participating schools
Vimeo - .wmv or .mov formats from personal computer

Hopefully, this will be the death blow to the MSM. The alternative media is a potential cultural game-changer is SO many ways. Old-style cable is the horse and buggy or the old, Model T. Out of date and headed for the museum. Once Google or Apple get the Internet and TV married, it's Katy bar the door. 


  1. Apparently you do not know that MiLB.TV is not supported on the ROKU.

  2. Au contraire, Anony-mouse!! I do know that!!

    Perhaps the problem lies in your reading and comprehension skills?

    Nowhere do I indicate that is linked directly to ROKU. I do say that via the various mediums -- "ROKU + Video Buzz + Plex + You Tube + Nowhere Man TV" -- I get similar service that cable provides for less cost and it's my choice.

    And I did specifically indicate that might be delivered via a different vehicle than ROKU.

    "For an additional $5/month or $25 per annum, all (minor league) broadcasts are available. I imagine some or all of those are radio, but some will be TV broadcasts. It's worth the extra $5 for that kind of option. "

    What I did not know at the time was whether package included a mix of audio broadcasts in addition to video clips. I was not aware that so many of the affiliated teams either broadcast or streamed and in hindsight I will say that and (same) are not real clear about the package in their initial advertising. You have to dig deep and their FAQ's generate more additional ??'s than answers.

    Don't even get me started on their customer service, that may be for another blog topic.

    I don't mind that the games are only delivered to my lap-top. It's worked out to be a plus.

    I can have the minor leaguers going on the little screen while the big leaguers play on the big screen.

    But thanks for proof-reading, princess. Next time, you might want to put your name to your work. It adds credibility, conviction and demonstrates courage.

    But do work on your proof-reading skills first and thanks both for reading as well as your concern for my journalistic accuracy.

    Remember, GOTCHA!! is a game best played by professionals.
