
Monday, April 29, 2013

Carter Jurica adjusts to Triple-A promotion with Fresno Grizzlies just fine - Fresno Grizzlies -

GARY KAZANJIAN - Fresno Grizzlies shortstop Carter Jurica

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This is a surprise to the plus side for the Giants. I was actually more than surprised to see Jurica begin the season at the AAA level. There was nothing I saw in his prior stats that would appear to warrant the move. In hindsight, the scouts and developmental staff had it pegged correctly.

Maybe Jurica has some of that "TWTW" Hawk Harrelson talks about. The stuff that all the SABR tools and metrics still have difficulty measuring. Or maybe I was just wrong. I'll have to factor that possibility into future calculations. Put that into your SABR-metrics and smoke it!! Dad gum it!!

from the Fresno Bee:
Carter Jurica adjusts to Triple-A promotion with Fresno Grizzlies just fine - Fresno Grizzlies -

"His swing is a lot better," said Mariano, formerly the Giants' minor-league hitting coordinator. "He's able to let the ball get deep in the zone and use the right side of the field, especially with two strikes. That's what you look for in a good hitter."

Defensively, Jurica isn't a glove wizard scouts look for in a big-league shortstop. He projects more at second base or as a utility player. So far, though, he is holding his own with three errors in 83 chances.

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