
Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend wrap: No swearing in baseball - SweetSpot Blog - ESPN

Speaking of SABR-stuff that does not compute.... who projected this youngster (shown above) into a SS capable of hitting like this?

from ESPN:
Weekend wrap: No swearing in baseball - SweetSpot Blog - ESPN:

Hitter on the rise: Brandon Crawford, Giants
Is the light-hitting defensive whiz really hitting .291/.361/.547? He hit his fifth home run on Saturday -- one more than he hit last season. 

'via Blog this'

from baseball reference re: Brandon Crawford:
Similar Batters through 25  
 View Similar Player Links in Pop-up
 Compare Stats to Similars
  1. Desi Relaford (981)
  2. Jose Valdivielso (981)
  3. Tom Foley (981)
  4. Reid Brignac (972)
  5. Walt Weiss (971)
  6. Luis Rivera (970)
  7. Rance Mulliniks (968)
  8. Chico Fernandez (966)
  9. Lou Collier (966)
  10. Pat Meares (965)

From a Sim-score of Desi Relaford ( 40 HR's in 2,939 AB's ) to a projected pace of 30+ this season?!?

I mean, how do you go from Desi Relaford to Cal Ripken, Jr. in one season?

If this keeps up, I'm handing in my HP-12c calculator and all my Excel spreadsheets and calling it a day. I am, however, keeping the pocket protectors. Thank-you very much.

P.S. - I know there's no crying in baseball.....But, I've never heard of any "no swearing in baseball" credo amongst any of the assembled personnel. If there is one, it is routinely violated. If the umpire "balled a strike" he violated one of the most important ball and strike "rule of thumbs" out there. So....he shouldn't lash out at Price, much less call him a "liar" in public. Sounds like more than one thing got away from Hallion that game, but they should have left it between the lines. Price running to Twitter is a bit juvenile as well, it's just compounding Hallion's errors and escalating the deal. What ever to happened to "leave what happens between the lines, between the lines"? But it does sound like a lot of sand was tossed around in the old sand box yesterday between Hallion and the Rays. Must have been fun to watch.

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