
Friday, May 03, 2013

Ex-NFL player's support for gay NBA player apparently costs him church appearance – CNN Belief Blog

Actually, this quote standing alone SHOULD have been the reason they canceled his appearance. This whole "end justifies the means", " as long as I get mine", "winning isn't everything, it's the only thing" mind-set is the root cause of virtually all of the toxicity we see in sports in general and society at large.

Lesson learned, somebody clearly botched the due-diligence on this one.

from CNN:
Ex-NFL player's support for gay NBA player apparently costs him church appearance – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs:

"If we win a Super Bowl ring, I don't care who you bring to the ring ceremony, I just want to win the ring," Butler said. "That's what it's all about. ... Isn't that what it's all about? Winning the championship? Not who is in my bed when I turn the lights out."

'via Blog this'

If the church ONLY canceled his appearance for the reasons Butler stated, then sure shame on them as well. I suspect that is not the case. And I also suspect that Butler is more upset about losing his $8,500 speaking fee and a chance to promote both his book and himself.

But I guess it's all about positive relationships, not toxic ones. And hey, I'm using them, they're using me. It's all good, right LeRoy?

They will learn more from not having you speak and just reading through this one story. And they saved themselves $8,500 that can help people who really need it. Not you. And not even Jason Collins. And don't think it doesn't seem abundantly clear that you're using that situation as a pretext as well. What a tangled web.....

The church would have been better served booking this guy:

Robert Griffin III's comment: 
"In a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness."

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