
Sunday, May 12, 2013

This graphic shows why we have our educational priorities misplaced

I would say the same the same thing if the baseball coach was the highest paid employee in all 50 states.

This is just messed up. Plain and simple. I understand that some of the money comes from the unbelievable revenues the sports generate, but my goodness, here we could share the wealth a little bit better.

Maybe make the lot of some the athletes a little bit better. Or help out some of the so-called minor sports a bit  more. Liberals and the OWS crowd carp endlessly about income inequality and this is the best they can do within the heartland of liberalism / socialism that dominates the halls of academia. Do as I say, not as I do.

It's embarrassing regardless of who is at fault.

from Deadspin:
Infographic: Is Your State's Highest-Paid Employee A Coach? (Probably):

You may have heard that the highest-paid employee in each state is usually the football coach at the largest state school. This is actually a gross mischaracterization: Sometimes it is the basketball coach.
Based on data drawn from media reports and state salary databases, the ranks of the highest-paid active public employees include 27 football coaches, 13 basketball coaches, one hockey coach, and 10 dorks who aren't even in charge of a team.

'via Blog this'

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