
Friday, June 21, 2013

Giants flirting with .500 and filling up the D.L.

Oops, wrong Giants. No time to panic yet, but it doesn't hurt to start looking around for some help. It turns out, the SF Giants may not have to go as far as South Korea to get pitching help. If Fresno can't help, the names being bandies about the most in trade talks are the Phillies Cliff Lee and the Astros Bud Norris.

Of the two, Norris seems like he would be the most economical in terms of both salary and prospects.

For historical perspective, the Giants seem to be about where they were same time last year. It just seems like we're losing more people to the trainers room this year than the last two runs. A trend worth keeping an eye on.

Giants Extra | A blog about the San Francisco Giants:

The Giants now are 36-34. By comparison, they were 38-32 at this point last season, 4 ½ games back in the division.
So, it’s understandable why Bochy feels fortunate that things aren’t worse, especially when taking into account the slew of injuries incurred by several of his star players.
The Giants high-water mark came May 12, when they completed a sweep of the Atlanta Braves and reached eight games above .500 at 23-15. They are 13-19 since that point.
It’s obvious that the Giants aren’t going to turn around their listing fortunes without all hands on deck.
If all goes well, Sandoval and Pagan will join Scutaro in the lineup as soon as Monday night against the Los Angeles Dodgers for the start of a 10-game road trip.

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