
Sunday, June 09, 2013

Rodman: LBJ 'average' if he played in '90s - Chicago Bulls Blog - ESPN Chicago

This must be the NBA equivalent of David Wells' assertion that Babe Ruth's stat line would be something like 15-75-.275. An average hitter. Both examples clearly demonstrate the pervasive and deleterious effects of alcohol, and God knows what else, on the brain cells.

I'm not the greatest fan of LeBron James, although he does appear to be maturing nicely, but this is just silly talk.

from ESPN Chicago:
Rodman: LBJ 'average' if he played in '90s - Chicago Bulls Blog - ESPN Chicago:

Dennis Rodman says LeBron James would be "average" if he played in the 1990s, and insists James' Miami Heat would be no match for his old Chicago Bulls team.

'via Blog this'

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