
Thursday, June 27, 2013

The numbers behind a stunning quarter of the season | Giants Extra

Finding new and creative ways to lose, for a quarter of a season. Hah!!! I remember when the football Giants did that for over 15 years. Amateurs.

POSTGAME NOTES: The numbers behind a stunning quarter of the season | Giants Extra:

Here’s a sobering one: 15-25. That’s the winning percentage for this team since the first game in Toronto on May 14. That’s a .375 winning percentage for those of you haven’t already done the math in your heads.
That’s the worst winning percentage in baseball since May 14.
Yes, arbitrary endpoints and all that. That’s a random date that happened to be the beginning of a road trip that was soon followed by a whole bunch of other road games. But still, it puts a hard number on what everyone is seeing on a nightly basis during this quarter of the season. The Giants are not the worst team in baseball, far from it. Hell, they’re still just 3 1/2 games out of first in this division, where four of the five teams lost for the second straight night and four of five are below .500. Basically, the Giants remain one good week from being back in first place.
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