
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yankees’ A-Rod Looking To Make Deal; Could Face Lifetime Ban | CBS New York

Down goes the guy who many in the media had championed as "the one who will replace Barry in the all-time record books". Glad we're not letting the court of public opinion decide things.

from CBS New York:
Report: Yankees’ A-Rod Looking To Make Deal; Could Face Lifetime Ban « CBS New York:
Now the focus has shifted to Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez.
The evidence against the 14-time All-Star is ”far beyond” what the league had against Braun, according to However, the Yankees don’t expect Rodriguez to be suspended immediately, sources told the website. is also reporting that, according to sources, Rodriguez could very likely face a suspension similar to Braun’s.
An MLB source told CBS Evening News’ Jim Axelrod, however, that the five-time American League home-run champion could be looking at a lifetime ban.
'via Blog this'

Whatever they have on A-Rod it must be pretty good if the options are 156 games or life. The good news for Alex -- there is a lot of room for negotiation. One wonders if TPTB in baseball will allow the Yankees to void what is left of his mega-contract and let Alex try his luck as a free-agent again ( after a suitable suspension ) as part of any deal.

Bet a dollar his average annual salary goes WAY down.

Anger over latest PED scandal in baseball could lead to penalty of erasing contracts

The rank and file are outraged enough that, for the first time, there is the suggestion that steroid cheats should have to pay with their contracts. Up until now, baseball contracts have been sacrosanct, as in unable to be voided.

Then it wouldn't surprise me in the least if some "surprising new" information comes to light about the suddenly mortal, but equally as filthy locked-in rich as A-Rod -- Albert Pujols. Then we'll see if the the union ( and it's members ) bites back or if by then it will be too late and they will realize they have been out-foxed and out-maneuvered into adopting a TSA-NSA style position of  "if you're not guilty, you have nothing to worry about".

Enjoy life as a serf boys ( albeit a well-paid one ). At least you will know who your masters are. Ask your Dominican brethren to recount for you what having this kind of leverage does to your employers.

Or maybe my tin-foil hat is just screwed on too tight, IDK check with me on this in a couple of years.

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