
Sunday, August 04, 2013

As PED-Day looms, will it deter drugs in baseball? - Yahoo! Sports

Finally, first Buck Showalter put his finger on it and now the Marlins Logan Morrison has touched upon something that even the esteemed for Senator George Mitchell couldn't figure out in his whitewash that was called the Mitchell Report.

Teams have just as much, if not more incentive to encourage /condone/ turn a blind eye toward cheating as players do, and until their are substantive penalties directed at teams where it seems to occur a disproportionate amount of times ( maybe it has something to do with total payroll and the need to win to justify same, ROI,  IDK ) then this is going to go on......and on......and on.......

And don't just take away draft choices of bonus slots. If the Yankees had to eat a portion if not all of A-Rod's tainted salary instead of profiting by opening up space for a Matt Weiters signing, maybe there would be more incentive on the organizations to police their clubhouse and training facilities better.

You can't tell me those closest to these guys are not intimately aware of some of the stuff going on in these organizations.

from Yahoo Sports:
As PED-Day looms, will it deter drugs in baseball? - Yahoo! Sports:

To Logan Morrison, the suspensions and shame and loss in salary might not be enough. To really deter them, the Miami Marlins' first baseman suggests clubs pay a price, too.
''Maybe penalizing the teams for guys who signed - like Melky signing that $16 million deal - maybe the team should have to give up something,'' Morrison said.

'via Blog this'

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