
Monday, December 30, 2013

Oh, the winter doldrums!!!

This .gif more than adequately illustrates why baseball is the greatest, fairest game in the world.

Because the minute you allow your concentration to be split between the task at hand of helping your base-runner and your spring training dream of a post-game hook-up with the ceremonial Hooters ball girl tanning her legs down the third base line....Well, shucks I don't care how many people yell "Ball, Ball, Ball!!" or how how loud they yell it, your package is going to get lit up.

And deservedly so.

It's OK, dear. They can't see you now. The focus is on the glove.

Keep your head in the game fellas.

We could see the first right turn by a base-runner rounding third-base in the history of baseball next spring training if this keeps up.

Pitchers and Catchers Report in a mere 46 days ( Rays P&C's report Feb 14, 2014).

When it's consistently below zero in Chicago -- and has been for what seems like the last month -- this is the kind of blog post you're likely to get.

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