
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Replay rules fail the Giants, hand win to D-Backs

Well, it was a pivotal point in the game and a bit of a momentum turner. But the Giants helped out a little bit and I sure hope this isn't a preview of coming attractions from this years bullpen.


Looking forward to the human element going away? It's standing behind you with a mallet.

So you have a system that doesn't have the right angle to overturn the prior pick-off play at first base:

Which leads to this play at the plate (same runner):

HE'S OUT!!!! But alas he's not, so "We've got to get the call right" is held hostage to the silly rules.

NEWS FLASH: Olney adopts my fifth monkey in the booth proposal. 

Think about how this could be streamlined: There could be a fifth umpire or other approved official sitting in the same seat where Dunston and others are being asked to review calls, on site — and then if there’s a call that needs to be reviewed, that fifth umpire can signal to the crew on the field for a brief pause. The crew chief can call time, and when the correct call is determined, that can be relayed to the umpires on the field. Bada bing, bada boom, just as all scoring plays and plays in the last three innings are subject to review.
Better late than never. Actually it is too late to help salvage the Giants unbeaten season.

Oh well, the new MLB replay system, crating new ways to make major league umpires look like screw-ups.
Thanks Bud.

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