
Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day


1,321,612. Do you know what this number represents? It represents the total number of U.S. deaths as a result of war. That number is staggering to me, as I cannot say I know one of them.
The men and women who serve our country in the armed forces seem distant, almost unreal. Memorial Dayserves as an annual reminder to some of us, but many times, unless it hitsclose to home, we don’t truly understand the magnitude of it.
This is why instead of focusing on the opening of the local swimming pool, grilling out, and the unofficial kickoff to summer, we should make sure our kids value Memorial Day and what it represents.
Memorial Day is the day to remember those who sacrificed their lives to defend our nation and our freedom. It’s our job to teach them the importance and history of Memorial Day. Here is a Memorial Day Timeline to get you and your kids started and a great video that teaches the history of Memorial Day.

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