
Sunday, May 04, 2014

Last night's Giants Game: Lincecum's lineup prank and Crawford's walk-off wizardy

from Yahoo

This is why I say you get to the game early and you DO NOT leave until it's over. Not to beat the traffic, not for any reason short of natural disaster and regardless of what the wife says and how the kids are acting (Sorry honey).  

You would have missed the two best parts of last night's game, at least from a Giants fans standpoint:

 -- Lincecum's impersonation of Bochy and really every manager bringing out the lineup 
-- Brandon Crawford's defensive talents at SS. 

As soon as the ball was hit, I was thinking "Go get it, Brandon" and sure enough, he did it. How he pivoted and threw like that without taking out Brandon Hicks, I do not know. The great ones make it look easy. 


The Play from

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