
Sunday, May 04, 2014

Study finds that baseball games average less than 18 minutes of action | Big League Stew - Yahoo Sports

If you like to watch baseball I salute you

"Baseball is dull only to dull minds" - Red Barber 

I agree with Red Barber on this one. I find it interesting that those that deride the game of baseball for it's supposed lack of action, gravitate towards the NFL for their "action fix" when the same source ( the WSJ ) calculated almost 40% less "action". 

Perhaps we need to define what passes for "action" in some minds. 

from Yahoo Sports:
If you like non-stop action, baseball probably isn’t the sport for you.
At least that’s what a recent study conducted by the Wall Street Journal would suggest. According to their findings, the average three hour baseball game contains well over two and a half hours of killing time in the stands or at home, with just 17 minutes and 58 seconds of game action taking place.
Though that amount of time wouldn't cover a weekly 30-minute sitcom with the commercials taken out, according to a WSJ study from 2010, it’s actually seven minutes longer than the average NFL game. So at least baseball gets the overwhelming nod in that regard.


I would say this for those who applaud the NBA and it's supposed "continuous" action and excitement:

"Don't mistake activity with achievement." - John Wooden
Most of what passes for "action" in these games is anything else but "action". But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

Actually, I wonder how the authors would "quantify" the action in a free-flowing sport like the NBA and the NHL.....Hmmmmmm.

Part of the problem stems from this quote from a former big-league exec:
"Baseball is made up of very few big and dramatic moments, but rather it's a beautifully put together pattern of countless little subtleties that finally add up to the big moment, and you have to be well-versed in the game to truly appreciate them." - Paul Richards 

One solution would be a sincere read of this book by George Will. It definitely would change the mind and open the eyes of both casual and committed observers of the game as to how much "action" is truly missed when watching the average game of baseball.

Then the converted will find themselves shaking their heads and making statements like this when their friends or co-workers make the inevitable "baseball is boring" quote.

"Baseball is like church. Many attend, but few understand." - Wes Westrum

For the love of the game!

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