
Friday, July 04, 2014



It is after all, INDEPENDENCE DAY we are celebrating, right? Let's take a gander at where we are.

Land of the free? Not so much. Americans' sense of freedom drops, poll finds.

Seventy-nine percent of US residents are satisfied with their level of freedom, down from 91 percent in 2006according to the Gallup survey, released Tuesday.
That 12-point drop pushes the United States from among the highest in the world in terms of perceived freedom to 36th place, outside the top quartile of the 120 countries sampled, trailing Paraguay, Rwanda, and the autonomous region of Nagorno-Karabakh.
 Only 10 nations experienced as sharp a drop as the US in terms of the satisfaction of citizens with their level of freedom: Egypt, Greece, Italy, Venezuela, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Romania, Yemen, Pakistan, and Spain.
Maybe we should celebrate while it ( meaning Independence ) lasts.

from among the highest in the world in terms of perceived freedom to 36th place, outside the top quartile of the 120 countries sampled, trailing Paraguay, Rwanda, and the autonomous region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

ARE YOU FLIPPING KIDDING ME?? And we're celebrating this? Good God, wake up first!!

It might help if we remember that our forefathers fought for Liberty as the bulwark that would insure their freedom, not Equality. 

I like Liberty, it's easy to define, measure and implement throughout society.

Unlike Equality which while seemingly easy enough  to define ( 2+2 = 4 ) is impossible to measure and implement throughout society.

And lately we have taken liberties (no pun intended) with the definition of equality part.
noun: liberty
  1. 1.
    the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.
    "compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty"
Equality was the bulwark for the French revolution and we see how that mess has turned out. Why on earth do we want to follow that example?

  • Nobody plays to a tie, except the Japanese occasionally and the soccer-nazi socialists. 
  • Nobody fights and dies for equality.
  • They fight to be free, to be left alone as long as they aren't harming anyone else. 

Let's get back to our roots. And reverse the trend. Then maybe we can start celebrating.

I close by raining these rather solemn words on an otherwise celebratory parade.
from the blog Golem XIV - Author of the Debt Generation:

Today it is others they will come for. When will it be people you know, or you or your children? When will voicing or organizing opposition become domestic extremism?
If we do not fight the peace then we will one day soon find we are forced to fight a war. Fighting the peace is hard. It requires standing up and saying things that others might ridicule. But is that so very hard?
Our future is in the hands of The Disloyal. Is their future the one you want? Do you want to live in a country rotted by systemic and protected dishonesty where the law is a whore, democracy a pantomime, integrity and honour sneered at and loyalty to others forgotten? I do not.

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