
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Another Giants loss, another daily affirmation

"I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it, people like me."

After the Giants - Rockies game last night, you can only conclude:

  • The Giants are not a playoff team
  • The Giants are not a .500 team
  • And doggone it, they are a team playing for next year
It's the only way to describe their recent play. This team is done, done, done. Their play mirrors that. Excuses, excuses, excuses. 
  • We get great pitching, the bats don't come through
  • We get a quality start, the bullpen folds like a cheap tent
  • We get a couple of runs, the defense give it right back
  • A guy comes off the DL, a guy goes on the DL
We just lost to a team that has half of it's Opening Day roster on the DL including it's top two signature everyday players. 

We just lost to a team that hasn't been able to beat ANYBODY (3-23 last 26 games) on the road of late. ANYBODY except the Giants in their yard. 

We just lost to a team by gift-wrapping three runs with a bow of four errors. 

The brain trust signaled to this team that they were not making a push to win this year at the trade deadline. The Peavy deal was a patch for Cain's loss. Anyone who thinks they may not be with the team next year is in shut down mode. Why not, management doesn't care? This team doesn't have squat right now. 

The ball is not running away from the Giants lately as much as the Giants aren't running as hard to the ball. This team gives off the appearance that it is shrouded by malaise. That is only because athletes are very reticent to use a certain four letter word that begins with Q. 

What is quince, Alex? 

When the September roster expands bring the rookies up and play them. At least then you can make some intelligent decisions on the composition of the roster moving forward instead of playing poke and hope. And at least the fans will see a team that plays hard again. And gosh darn it, people will like that. 

They also need to take a long hard look in the mirror and figure out what kind of team they are. 

OBTW: Looks like Mrs. TheSlav has better eyes than I do, I thought the pitch was low and away. She said "No, just low". She wins. Doug Eddings does suck at his job though. In fairness, he sucks both ways in that he called out a Rockies batter on an equally bad (maybe worse) punch out in the next half inning, which just proves that he may be willing to double down on stupid in order to "even things up". 

from Yahoo Sports:

Buster Posey was called out on a 2-2 pitch that made him throw up his hands like Leslie Nielsen was behind the plate. It was an instant, honest reaction. And, lookie here, it wasn't that close:

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