
Friday, August 08, 2014

Comfort Dog Ministry launches program to help vets -

Great story.

This clearly illustrates the old saw about dogs being man's best friend. The article explains why the program is important and how it works in two short paragraphs. Great life lessons to be learned here. courtesy of dogs.

from the
Comfort Dog Ministry launches program to help vets -
"But the thing that pushed me over the edge was when I learned that 22 veterans commit suicide every day. That's a Sandy Hook, every day," Hetzner said, referring to the Connecticut school shooting in 2012.
 One of its founders, retired Maj. Gen. James Mukoyama of Chicago, spoke at the convention, in particular about the needs of veterans.
"Part of the healing process from moral injury and post-traumatic stress disorder is to feel loved and valued," Mukoyama said. "The comfort dogs give off a type of peace -- and unconditional love."
'via Blog this'

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