
Monday, September 01, 2014

Giants Sending Seven to Arizona Fall League

This is an interesting group for the Giants.

Carbonell is currently in High-A and quickly showing the hit tool he needs to advance at that level. If he performs well here in Arizona it would not be too surprising to see him open next year in AA ball.

from Bleacher Report:
Giants Sending Seven to Arizona Fall League:
The Giants will send seven players to the Arizona Fall League this year, all of them intriguing in their own unique, snowflakey way. The list:
  • Clayton Blackburn
  • Steven Okert
  • Erik Cordier
  • Hunter Strickland
  • Daniel Carbonell
  • Matt Duffy
  • Blake Miller
We talked about Cordier, Strickland, and Carbonell over over here while talking about potential September call-ups. I'm not sure how their AFL selections affect their chances of joining the Giants in September, but it hasn't hurt players in the past.
'via Blog this'

Matt Duffy needs the work against advanced pitching and can provide the type of versatility that should give him plenty of AB's down there.

Blake Miller, like Duffy is possibly a bigger, stronger utility IF type with a good bat. At 6-3, 195 you'd like to see more power, especially given the K-rate, but .300 hitters don't come around very often. Miller has shown the hit tool in AA and is another collegiate bat so it's nearing put up or shut up time for him as well IMO.

Clayton Blackburn and Hunter Strickland are the highest impact guys among the pitchers. Blackburn needs the work as he will likely not get any September big-league starts. Strickland at least may get some opportunities to assist at the big league level.

Okert and Cordier also show potential to be solid bullpen contributors. Okert shows a bit more polish and Cordier more stuff.

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