
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Keith Olbermann: The Worst Human Being in Human History!!!

Derek Jeter Isn't The Greatest Player Ever

Always knew this cat was a major league douchebag and this has to prove my point finally and conclusively. It's all fun and games when this guys picks on Bonds or Bush, not very likeable people overall for various reasons. But he has a problem with this?

C'mon, man!!  C'mon now!! Can somebody just put some diapers on this guy and burp him? And then abort him. Seriously. Comparing and contrasting Derek Jeter's victory lap with Scott Rolen? Are you freaking serious man?

Of course, he is playing to the Huffington Post crowd, so it is possible I just may not be up to that uber-elevated level of douchebaggery, but seriously? Somebody please put this guy out of his misery. And us out of ours for having to listen to this talking scrotum.

As a public service.

Keith Olbermann: Derek Jeter Is Not The Greatest Player Ever:

Tired of the season-long farewell tour for New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter? ESPN's Keith Olbermann has just the segment for you. The ESPN host began his show on Tuesday ripping apart Jeter's legacy. For ardent Jeter supporter out there, this video is not for you.

"Derek Jeter is not the greatest person in human history. He did not invent baseball. He did not discover electricity. He is not the greatest shortstop who ever lived," Olbermann said. And that was just the beginning.
'via Blog this'

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