
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cord cutters: Is a la carte streaming a better deal than cable? | Tampa Bay Times

A silhouetted coaxial cable. Cord cutters rejoiced last week after HBO and CBS announced plans to sell stand-alone streaming services, a move that cable and satellite television providers have resisted for years. But cutting the cord won’t mean cutting out your cable provider, and some would-be customers may balk when they see just how much paying a la carte actually costs. [Associated Press]
A silhouetted coaxial cable. Cord cutters rejoiced last week after HBO and CBS announced plans to sell stand-alone streaming services, a move that cable and satellite television providers have resisted for years. But cutting the cord won’t mean cutting out your cable provider, and some would-be customers may balk when they see just how much paying a la carte actually costs. [Associated Press]

Remember, you heard it here first. Cut the Cord!!! You won't look back. Aside from the freedom of choice as to what enters your home, you won't miss the "crass commercialism" ie: the commercials of the current system they jam down your throat. Your the consumer, you've always had the power of choice right at your fingertips.
~;::::::;( )">  ¯\_( )_/¯

from Tampa Bay Times:
Cord cutters: Is a la carte streaming a better deal than cable? | Tampa Bay Times:

Cord cutters rejoiced last week after HBO and CBS announced plans to sell stand-alone streaming services, a move that cable and satellite television providers have resisted for years. Customers tired of paying big fees for hundreds of channels they never watch just to have access to a few favorite shows might be expected to start cancelling cable service in droves. Get Netflix, throw in HBO, add a network here and there — why would anyone sign up now for cable? Is a la carte streaming a better deal?

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